THE LONGEST RIDE is a american romantic film of a bull ride Luke, who wants to win the profesional bull ride tour. And he meet Sophia. She is an art lover, she is living at a sorority house. They had a dat and in the way to home, they help an old man who was is inside a car crash in to the woods.
The old man only say "the box please". And Sophia see de box and keep it. Then in the hospital with the old man. Waiting the doctor, she open the box and insite where letters. Explain a story in 1940 of how he meet his wife, for the first and last day. But the old man can not read so Sophia reads the letters for him. And the relationship of Sophia and Luke will face with it's two differents hobbies and more things.
But I don't want to tell you the end, if you want to see the movie.
I like so much the movie the boy star is so hot and I love so much the romanticism and the history is so original.

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